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Bee Happy

Spring and Summer is the time to bring freshness and brightness to your home with seasonal decor. I am again using Bees with black and gold for the Spring/Summer Theme, but this year with yellow florals and decor accents. To see some of the variations possible with this theme, check out Summer is Buzzing and…

Proud as a Peacock

I usually enjoy my Christmas decor for an additional week after the New Year and then take it all down. I then decorate for our annual February formal dinner party. Each year I choose a country to focus the theme on their Mardi Gras traditions, food, wine, and music. For an example, see my previous…

Peacock Christmas

At first, it may just seem like a decor theme for beautiful colors and the opportunity for flamboyant decorating, but there is a rich history to the symbolism of the Peacock in Christianity. For medieval man, nature revealed God’s presence and purpose. An ancient legend was that the flesh of the peacock did not decay.…

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